Saturday, February 22, 2014

Soap Suds and Progress.. The Saponification of Life.

Saponification- To convert (a fat) into soap by treating it with an alkali.

We enjoy this process so much, we oftentimes compare it to life. Let's say the (fat) is...well us. ( not saying that you are fat, it's just the process according to the definition.) Let's also say the alkali is a relationship, a boss, a friend, sibling, parent, or anything that one can think of in which;  when coming in contact with it (the alkali) changes you. Contact with your alkali can change your thinking, change your decisions, change your feelings,your emotions, etc. In the end there is something different. You are something different. Something better, solid, beautiful, healthy and fragrant.

We look at our life long "saponification process"  What times, places, and people can you think of that when you came in contact with them, you were saponified?

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