Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Premium Handmade Soaps Memphis Wholesale Ordering

Thirty Eight Roses Designs is a local small family business developing innovative girl’s dresses and accessories, as well as premium handmade soaps, with more products in the works.

 Our premium soaps are handmade the “old fashion” way, lovingly and carefully in our soap room.

Today, there are rarely any true soaps on the market. Commercial bars from major brands are mostly detergents with claims that cause them to be labeled as cosmetics, or drugs. Claims such as moisturizing, antibacterial, cream bar, or beauty bar. True Soap is however, neither a drug, nor a cosmetic.  Soap is soft and hard oils mixed together with lye. The lye reacts with the oils, turning what’s left into blocks of soap, plain and simple.

The product that we offer is SOAP. Oils mixed with an alkali that saponifies.  In the saponification process, natural glycerin is made. Glycerin naturally draws moisture toward itself. Commercial bars are synthetic detergent cleansers and not soap at all. Our Soaps are beneficial for healthy looking skin, with a collection of fragrances that women, men, and families enjoy.

 Detergent cleansers are popular because they make suds easily in water and don't form gummy deposits. Some of
these detergent products are actually marketed as "soap" but are not true soap according to the regulatory definition of the word, according to

 In today’s commercially made bars, manufactures remove the glycerin and use it in their more expensive products.

We believe that our soap products will further enhance your current selections; giving your customers more choices, and the experiences of buying quality local handmade products from a local family.

Thirty Eight Roses Designs
Beauty- Creativity- Innovation

As roses have a rich and colorful history, so does Thirty Eight Roses Designs.  A symbol of beauty, love, and sometimes conflict; defines the inception of a beautiful relationship between people.

Thanks for your time and consideration. We hope to start and continue a rose of a relationship.

If you choose to print forms and submit via fax or email, you may use the links below.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Premium Handmade Soaps with Essential Oils of Grapefruit as you shower and cleanse your skin  gives you beautiful healthy looking skin.  The anti-oxidants in grapefruit are known to  fight free radicals in the skin that can cause lines, wrinkles, discolorations and other blemishes that can make skin look aged. Give your skin a taste of  Pink Passion Grapefruit  Premium Soap from Thirty Eight Roses Designs. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Soap Suds and Progress.. The Saponification of Life.

Saponification- To convert (a fat) into soap by treating it with an alkali.

We enjoy this process so much, we oftentimes compare it to life. Let's say the (fat) is...well us. ( not saying that you are fat, it's just the process according to the definition.) Let's also say the alkali is a relationship, a boss, a friend, sibling, parent, or anything that one can think of in which;  when coming in contact with it (the alkali) changes you. Contact with your alkali can change your thinking, change your decisions, change your feelings,your emotions, etc. In the end there is something different. You are something different. Something better, solid, beautiful, healthy and fragrant.

We look at our life long "saponification process"  What times, places, and people can you think of that when you came in contact with them, you were saponified?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

It is our privilege to assist others by introducing and offering deluxe handmade artisan soaps and nourishing products for your skin. We take pleasure in every chance that we have to help people make informed decisions about what they put on their skin.

We are the Artisan Soaps Department of Thirty Eight Roses Designs.  On behalf of our company, we welcome you to enjoy the distinctiveness of customized handmade soaps as well as the luxurious textures and fragrances that you will not find anyplace else; at the same time, we're excited to communicate further details about our products, our progress, our industry, and we expect to gain wisdom from you and other people, as we expand and earn new consumers, new clients, and most importantly new relationships and friends.

 Our handmade artisan's process for our soaps is very time intensive, and done the old fashion method. It requires about 4 weeks from the time our quality components are hand mixed and poured into molds, and left covered inside blankets to have a rest for about 24 hours. Afterwards, we remove the loaf of soap from the molds and slice by hand. The soaps must harden or "cure" for 4 weeks before they're ready to be enjoyed.

Because all of us use soap everyday; the truth is more than a few times per day, it is becoming something that we don't think much about, nor do we take into account the consequences  or benefits that soaps might have on our skin, both long and short term.

 Today's store brands as well as commercial soaps are; if truth be told not soap at all. Many are labeled "bath bar", "beauty bar", or some fancy words combined with the word soap, however they can be drying plus harsh for the skin. Check out the FDA Article on Soap.

 Manufacturers take away the glycerin, which is what attracts moisture to the skin, and does not clog your pores. Many manufacturers will remove the glycerin and add it to their more expensive beauty products; therefore, reducing it to well… essentially what you wash your dishes and your car with. Should we be placing dish or car washing detergent on our skin?

It is our joy and mission to make use of our gifts of creativeness and family principles to provide quality and unique products, to help keep skin healthy by means of our premium handmade soaps. To continue to learn and grow each day as we accomplish the things we enjoy doing,creating our own products, serving others, and keeping things simple.

Pouring Up Luxurious Delights Daily! Staying Informed and Informing others of the benefits of Real Soap!